David E. Young, MD

I compose classical music in several traditions, mostly a number of chamber works that follow some of the sense and style of Antonin Dvorak. There are 80 piano rags, written in the style of Scott Joplin.  There are two mixed septets and some works for mixed instruments with guitar that follow a genre of easy listening.  Lastly, I present several Finale template for various chamber music combinations and a detailed proofreading list for composers, arrangers and other music engravers.

My desire for composing starting in high school at a time when I started writing orchestra music.  My goal was to compose and I wrote 3 symphonies and some fragmentary chamber pieces.  This was at a time when music manuscripts were made on vellum paper with a special fountain pen.  After a period of little to no progress composing commenced again when notation software reached a tenable level.  It was in 1993 when I first purchased Finale.  I have been a Finale user since and consider myself fairly knowledgeable in optimizing music engraving.

A while after composing my first five string quartets, I developed a greater level of maturity and I consider my music to be of some value.  I have never found composing easy, but with sufficient patience to work, I have now written 14 string quartets and hope to compose several more and a number of other chamber works. Expect additions to this webpage

In 1993, when I purchased Finale, I wrote a septet for Flute, Oboe, Bass Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Harp and Piano.  This composition has undergone revision once and may require some additional revision.  The same goes for a second septet for Oboe, Clarinet, Violin, Viola, Cello, Harp and Piano, which was initially composed in 2002.

In 2019, I started writing music for piano trio and at this moment have composed 4.  I started work on a piano trio in 2001, left it and then completed it in 2018.

Somewhat as an aside, I starting writing piano rags.  My first attempt was in 2001 but I didn’t write in earnest until 2005.  At that time, I wrote albums of 8 rags, each rag about 3 & 1/2 minutes in length.  I have now written 80, although 8 were in written with students as part of a music theory class.

In 2016 I composed incidental music to a famous Japanese poem; Ame ni mo makezu (Be Not Defeated by the Rain).  This music originated in Finale, but was transferred to and revised in Logic Pro.  As a consequence there is not sheet music for this composition.

I also have put together a music theory course, when the composing of a classic piano rag is used as a back-drop for learning music theory.

There are pdf files attached to the movement information and piano rag names for your viewing. The paper size for all of the material is 9.5 inches x 12.5 inches.

Scroll down, or click on the following links.

Chamber music


Piano rags


Incidental music


Finale templates / Proofreading checklist

Chamber Music

I have composed 14 string quartets.  I consider the first five to be immature works and I am not interested in finding a venue for their performance.  The later quartets are of variable difficulty, but generally have a difficulty approaching that of the chamber works of Antonin Dvorak.  The style and sensibility of the quartets reflect that of Dvorak, with some acknowledgement of the music of Brahms, Smetana, Borodin and Mendelssohn.  I find Dvorak’s modulation techniques unlike the others and very appealing to my sense of music composition.  

The string quartets last about 30 minutes, are in four movements and use typical music forms.  In Quartets number 6 and 13 I use a modified Sonata Allegro Form.  I call it Universal Sonata Form, for it is to be used for all four movements, regardless of tempo and melodic character.  In Universal Sonata Form, a theme is laid down with some preparatory and ending material. That section is repeated.  Then the first theme is developed with a second theme stated.  That section is repeated.  Following is a section where both themes are developed, without a repeat.  And finally, the first section is repeated with a coda.

String Quartet No. 1, B flat major, 1980

Movement 1, 4/4, B flat major, Poco Allegro, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 3/4, G major, Molto Vivace, Scherzo & trio

Movement 3, 4/4, G minor, Poco Adagio et al, Theme & variations

Movement 4, 3/4, B flat major, Allegro Vivace, Rondo

String Quartet No. 2, G major, 1983

Movement 1, 4/4, G major, Allegro, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 3/4, A minor, Adagio, Modified Sonata Allegro

Movement 3, 3/4, C major, Tempo di Minuet, Minuet

Movement 4, 4/4, G major, Allegro con spirito, Modified Sonata Allegro

String Quartet No. 3, E flat major, 1984

Movement 1, 3/4, E flat major, Allegro, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 2/4 & 3/8, G minor, Vivace & Allegretto, Scherzo & trio

Movement 3, 3/4 & 3/8, G flat major, Poco Adagio & Presto, ABA  

Movement 4, 2/4, E flat major, Allegro con spirit, Rondo

String Quartet No. 4, D minor, 1985

Movement 1, 4/4, D minor, Allegro, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 3/4 G minor, Poco Adagio, ABAB

Movement 3, 2/4 & 3/4, D minor, Vivace & Allegretto, Scherzo & trio

Movement 4, 6/8, D minor, Molto Allegro, Modified Sonata Allegro

String Quartet No. 5, D major, 1987

Movement 1, 4/4, D major, Allegro, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 6/8 & 3/4, F sharp minor, Adagio & Poco Vivace, Dumka

Movement 3, 3/4, F major, Tempo di minuet, Minuet

Movement 4, 2/4, D major, Allegro Vivace, Rondo

String Quartet No. 6, A major, 2009

Movement 1, 4/4, A major, Allegro, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 3/4, D major, Andante, Theme & variations

Movement 3, 3/4, G minor, Vivace, Scherzo & trio

Movement 4, 2/4, A major, Molto Allegro, Rondo

String Quartet No. 7, B flat major, 2010

Movement 1, 3/4, B flat major, Allegro, Universal Sonata Form

Movement 2, 4/4, F minor, Adagio, Universal Sonata Form

Movement 3, 3/8, E flat major, Molto Vivace, Universal Sonata Form

Movement 4, 6/4, B flat major, Allegro con spirito, Universal Sonata Form

String Quartet No. 8, F major, 2010

Movement 1, 4/4, F major, Allegro vivo, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 2/4 & 3/8, E flat major, Adagio, Poco Allegretto, Lento, ABCA

Movement 3, 3/4 & 2/4, B flat minor, Vivace & Allegretto, Scherzo & trio

Movement 4, 2/4, F major, Molto Allegro, Rondo

String Quartet No. 9, D major, 2013

Movement 1, 4/4, D major, Allegro, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 3/4, E minor / E major, Andante, Theme & variations

Movement 3, 3/4, G major, Tempo di minuet, Minuet

Movement 4, 2/4, D major, Allegro vivo, Rondo

String Quartet No. 10, C minor, 2017

Movement 1, 4/4, C minor, Allegro, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 3/4, B flat major, Vivace & Allegretto, Scherzo & trio

Movement 3, 2/4, 13.8, F sharp minor, Poco Andante, Allegretto appassionato, Allegretto scherzando, ABCAB

Movement 4, 3/4, C minor, Molto Allegro, Modified Sonata Allegro

String Quartet No. 11, E minor, 2017

Movement 1, 2/2, E minor, Allegro appassionato & Allegretto grazioso, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 9/8, C major, Andante con moto, ABAB

Movement 3, 3/8, G minor, Molto Vivace, Scherzo

Movement 4, 2/4, E minor, Molto Allegro, Rondo

String Quartet No. 12, A flat major, 2019

Movement 1, 3/4, A flat major, Allegro, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 2/4, 6/8 & 3/8, C minor, Tempo di Polka, Poco Adagio, Largo, ABCAB

Movement 3, 3/4, E major, Vivace, Scherzo

Movement 4, 2/4, A flat Major, Allegro con spirito, Modified Sonata Allegro

String Quartet No. 13, E flat major, 2021

Movement 1, 4/4, E flat major, Allegro, Universal Sonata Form

Movement 2, 6/8 F major, Adagio, Universal Sonata Form

Movement 3, 3/4, G minor, Molto Vivace, Universal Sonata Form

Movement 4, 2/4, E flat Major, Allegro assai, Universal Sonata Form

String Quartet No. 14, G minor, 2022

Movement 1, 4/4, G minor, Allegro, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 3/4 & 6/8, D minor, Andante con moto & Poco piu mosso, ABA

Movement 3, 3/4, E flat major, Allegretto & Vivace, Modified Scherzo & trio

Movement 4, 2/4, G minor, Molto Allegro, Modified Sonata Allegro

String Quartet No. 15, G major, 2023

Movement 1, 4/4, G major, Allegro ma non troppo, Universal Sonata Form

Movement 2, 3/4, B flat major, Poco Andante, Universal Sonata Form

Movement 3, 9/8, A minor, Allegretto, Universal Sonata Form

Movement 4, 2/4, G major, Allegro assai, Universal Sonata Form

String Quartet No. 16, B flat major, 2024

Movement 1, 3/4, B flat major, Allegro con spirito, Universal Sonata Form

Movement 2, 4/4, D minor, Andante, Universal Sonata Form

Movement 3, 3/4, C major, Vivace, Universal Sonata Form

Movement 4, 6/8, B flat major, Allegro vivo, Universal Sonata Form

String Quartet No. 17, F sharp minor, 2024

Movement 1, 3/4, F sharp minor, Allegro ma non troppo, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 4/4, E major, Andantino, Theme and variations

Movement 3, 3/4, D major, Molto Vivace, Scherzo and Trio

Movement 4, 2/4, F sharp minor, Molto Allegro, Rondo

The characteristics of my piano quartets are similar to my string quartets.  For piano quartets numbers 1, 2 and 3, I made an attempt to make the string parts to be rather easy.  The piano part, however, demands a seasoned player.  For the 4th piano quartet, the string parts are difficult at times.  The piano trio also has some difficult string parts.

The style of piano writing is more like Dvorak and Brahms than Beethoven or Schubert.

Piano Quartet No. 1, C major, 2019

Movement 1, 4/4, C major, Allegro ma non troppo, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 6/8, G minor, Lento, Theme & Variations

Movement 3, 3/4, G major, Allegretto & Vivace, Scherzo & trio

Movement 4, 2/4, C major, Allegro con spirito, Rondo

Piano Quartet No. 2, G minor, 2020

Movement 1, 3/4, G minor, Allegro con brio, Universal Sonata Form

Movement 2, 2/4, E flat major, Adagio, Universal Sonata Form

Movement 3, 3/4, F sharp minor, Vivace, Universal Sonata Form

Movement 4, 2/4, G minor, Molto Allegro, Universal Sonata Form

Piano Quartet No. 3, B minor, 2020

Movement 1, 6/8, B minor, Allegro ma non troppo, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 2/4 & 3/8, G major, Molto Vivace & Allegretto, Scherzo & trio

Movement 3, 3/4, G major, Andante con moto & Andante Risoluto, ABABA 

Movement 4, 4/4, B minor, Allegro con brio, Modified Rondo

Piano Quartet No. 4, D major

Movement 1, 3/4, D major, Allegro, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 2/4, E minor, Andante, ABCAC

Movement 3, 3/4, F sharp minor, Vivace, Scherzo & trio

Movement 4, 2/2, D major, Molto Allegro, Rondo

Piano Trio No. 1, C sharp minor, 2018

Movement 1, 4/4, C sharp minor, Allegro ma non troppo, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 3/4 & 6/8, D minor, Andante con moto & Poco Andante. ABCA

Movement 3, 3/4, B flat major, Molto Vivace, Scherzo & trio

Movement 4, 2/4, C sharp minor, Allegro, Rondo

Mixed Septets

The two mixed septets need some modest revision, at least for working to make the harp part in line with innate harp playing.  These pieces have ample instances of nice modulations, but there is less harmonic exploration than in my other chamber works. The second set is made up of six movements, in a quasi-dumka form, similar to the dumka piano trio by Dvorak.

Mixed Septet No. 1, C major, for Flute, Oboe, Bass Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Harp & Piano, 1995

Movement 1, 4/4, C major, Allegro ma non troppo, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 4/4 & 3/4, A major, Andante & Poco Adagio, ABABA

Movement 3, 3/8 & 2/4, G minor, Vivace & Allegretto Scherzando, Scherzo & trio

Movement 4, 4/4, C major, Allegro, Modified Sonata Allegro

Mixed Septet No. 2, G minor, Clarinet, Oboe, Violin, Viola, Cello, Harp & Piano, 2000

Movement 1, 3/4 & 2/4, G minor, Poco Adagio & Vivace, ABAB

Movement 2, 4/4 & 2/4, E flat major, Andante & Allegretto Scherzando, ABAB

Movement 3, 2/4 & 6/8, D minor, Adagio and Allegro vivo, ABAB

Movement 4, 3/4 & 4/4, F sharp minor, Andante & Allegretto, ABAB

Movement 5, 2/4 & 4/4, B flat major, Poco Adagio & Poco Allegretto, ABAB

Movement 6, 4/4 & 3/4, G minor, Andante & Molto Vivace, ABAB

Piano Rags

My piano rags owe a lot to the music of Scott Joplin.  From time to time there is a hint of devices found in music of the romantic generation.  Most of the rags follow the normal 16-measure themes, with repeats around each theme.  But many of the rags have 24-measure themes or other irregularities.  The modulations take a variety of form.

Each rag is about 3 and 1/2 minutes in length.  Most have tempos of 80 bpm to 100 bpm, but a few are as slow as 70 and a few as fast as 110.

I have tried to write one rag in each key but ended up missing A flat minor.  Eight of the piano rags in albums 9 and 10 were composed by students.  I gave considerable assistance and took the responsibility to perfectly engrave the piano rags.  Their names are listed.

Album 1, 2005

Shadow Rag, E flat major, Moderate two-step

Sunshine Rag, C major, Moderate two-step

The Philosopher, G minor, Brisk two-step

Brush Oak Rag, F major, Slow two-step

Sarsaparilla Rag, F major, Brisk two-step

Cotton Rag, A flat Major, Moderate two-step

River Boat Rag, E flat Major, Brisk two-step

English Ivy Rag, G major, Slow two-step

Album 2, 2007

Lemon Zest Rag, C major, Moderate two-step

Winter Solstice Rag, D minor, Slow two-step

The Bee Hive, A flat major, Brisk two-step

Sea Breeze Rag, E minor, Moderate two-step

Blue Ribbon Rag, E flat major, Moderately slow two-step

Duke and Duchess Rag, G major, Moderate two-step

Main Street Rag, B flat major, Moderate two-step

The Kangaroo, D major, Brisk two-step

Album 3, 2008

The Picket Fence, B flat major, Moderate two-step

Confectionary Rag, C major, Moderate two-step

Will o’ the Wisp Rag. F minor, Moderate two-step

Top Hat Rag, A flat major, Brisk two-step

Evergreen Rag, G major, Gentle two-step

Perpetual motion Rag, D major, Lively two-step

The Paper Dragon, C minor, Moderate two-step

Liberty Rag, B flat major, Moderate two-step

Album 4, 2008

The Wild Rose, E flat major, Slow two-step

Soliloquy Rag, G major, Moderate two-step

Hiragana Rag, A major, Moderate two-step

Storyteller Rag, A flat major, Slow two-step

Lumberjack Rag, A minor, Brisk two-step

Windmill Rag, F major, Brisk two-step

The Sleigh Bell, C major, Moderate two-step

Postage Stamp Rag, B flat major, Moderate two-step

Album 5, 2010

Magnolia Rag, E flat major, Moderate two-step

Skipping Stone Rag, D major, Lively two-step

The Rusty Weathervane, G major, Moderate two-step

The Jolly Juggler, C major, Brisk two-step

Mistletoe Rag, F major, Slow two-step

State Fair, A flat major, Brisk two-step

Midnight and Moonbeam, B flat minor, Moderate two-step

Roadrunner Rag, E flat major, Brisk two-step

Album 6, 2011

Sand Castle Rag, C major, Moderate two-step

Under the Rowan Tree, A flat major, Lively two-step

Lollipop Rag, B flat major, Moderate two-step

Withermarsh Rag, F major, Slow two-step

Quill and Ink, E major, Brisk two-step

The Glass Slipper, F sharp major, Slow two-step

Red Label Rag, A major, Moderate two-step

The Ragged Dust Jacket, B flat major, Brisk two-step

Album 7, 2012

The Crescent Moon, B flat major, Moderate two-step

Certified Fresh, C major, Moderate two-step

The Dainty Teacup, D major, Moderate two-step

Cobblestone Alley Rag, C major, Brisk two-step

Pioneer’s Rag, A major, Brisk two-step

Dustpelt, E flat major, Slow two-step

The Misty Mountains, B flat minor, Slow two-step

Carousel Rag, D flat major, Lively two-step

Album 8, 2013

Strictly Ragtime, A flat major, Brisk two-step

Celtic Snowflake, C major, Moderate two-step

After the Rain, D flat major, Slow two-step

Heather and Holly, D major, Moderate two-step

Old Charleston, E minor, Brisk two-step

Dulcinea, G flat major, Moderate two-step

The Gentile Reminder, B flat major, Moderate two-step

The Admiral’s Compass, G major, Brisk two-step

Some of the Rags from albums 9 & 10 were collaborations between a music theory student and myself. Credit for the student-composer may be found below.

Album 9, compiled 2022

El Pequaño Rag, C major, Brisk two-step1

Forgotten Keystone Rag, B minor, Slow two-step

The Far Fathoms, C major, Brisk two-step2

Wishing Well Rag, B major, Very slow two-step

Kekule’s Dream, F sharp minor, Brisk two-step

The Phosphorescent Ocean, C major, Brisk two-step3

Great Balls of Yarn!, C flat major, Slow two-step

The Kat’s Meow, C major, Slow two-step4

Album 10, compiled 2022

The Pixie Chase, C major, Brisk two-step5

The Skipper Butterfly, C sharp minor, Moderate two-step

Dance of the Tree Fairies, C major, Moderate two-step6

The Eclipse Letterpress, E major, Slow two-step

Hopscotch Rag, G major, Moderate two-step

Chicken Dinner Rag, C major, Brisk two-step7

The Illustrious Guest, C sharp major, Moderate two-step

Rainbow Rag, C major, Brisk two-step8

1Composed by James Salinas with assistance

2Composed by Richard Thomas Parker with assistance

3Composed by Andrew Young with assistance

4Composed by Karla Espino with assistance

5Composed by Patrick McMahon with assistance

6Composed by Aubrey Brink with assistance

7Composed by Calvin Willis with assistance

8Composed by Anthony Cooper with assistance


I wrote three symphonies as an adolescent and young adult.  These pieces have nice themes an nice modulations but the harmonic color is very limited.  As a result, they need extensive revision.  And because they are large pieces, the task of rewriting is daunting and hinders me from finding the energy to start.

Symphony No. 1, D major, 1968

Movement 1, 4/4, D major, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 3/8, B major, Sonata Allegro

Movement 3, 3/8, A major, Scherzo & trio

Movement 4, 2/4, D major, Rondo

Symphony No. 2, E minor, 1970

Movement 1, 4/4, E minor, Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 4/4, A minor, Dumka

Movement 3, 3/4, C major, Minuet & trio

Movement 4, 4/4, E minor, Modified Sonata Allegro

Symphony No. 3, D major, 1971

Movement 1, 3/4, D major, Extended Sonata Allegro

Movement 2, 4/4, B flat major, Extended Sonata Allegro

Movement 3, 3/4, E flat major, Extended Scherzo & trio

Movement 4, 4/4, D major, Extended Sonata Allegro

Incidental Music

I have composed some music that I prepared on Logic, a Digital Audio Interface.  Because of this, there are no scores of this music.  I do hope to make some revision and put on music paper.  The scoring is unusual for me in that there are several guitars, percussion (both pitched an indefinite pitched) and a few unusual instruments.  This piece is characterized by less modulation and less harmonic exploration than normal chamber music.

Ame ni mo makezu (Be Not Defeated by the Rain).   Incidental music

  1. Not Losing to the Rain

  2. Not Losing to the Wind

  3. Watching, Listening, and Understanding

  4. Not Fettered by Desire

  5. To the East, West, South and North

  6. Shedding Tears of Sympathy

  7. Wandering

  8. Without Praise or Blame

  9. Always Quietly Smiling

  10. Not Losing to the Wind (reprise)

Music Theory Instruction Books

I do not believe that I have fully codified my instruction books for music theory.  The project will be a work-in-progress for a long time. However, the program has value already. This course is for absolute beginners.  The student is asked to learn, or at least understand, many of the typical harmonic progressions found in classic piano rags.  There is a lot of material here and could lead to a more useful theory class.

Primary Study Guide and Appendix


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7


Companion Workbook


Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5.1

Lesson 5.2

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

Lesson 8

Lesson 9

Lesson 10

Lesson 11

Lesson 12

Instructors Book

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Playback Booklet

Here is the notation for the music that is found on the playback recordings. At this time, I don’t have those recordings available. There are also notation examples of various 16-measure bass-line harmonic progressions to set a rag theme to, as well as some hints of possible rag themes.



Rag motifs

Finale Templates and Proofreading Checklists.

Here in this section I am going to include several Finale templates. I have gone over these templates carefully, to make them easy to navigate and make the engraving look professional. Feel free to download and store on your computer. If you do, look over the elements in the template, to make sure your engraving ideals match mine. In particular, look at the fonts for the various expressions and text. Look at the placement of the measure number and look over the running footer. I will also attach two pdfs of a check list (part 1 & part 2) for proofreading. This check list is useful for proofreading chamber music and orchestra music. It is insufficient for proofreading choral music, popular music with percussion, exotic avant gard music and band music. Be aware that a few items on my checklist may represent engraving rules that differ from another composer’s preference. Consult textbooks and websites for other information. Music Engraving Tips on facebook is a good source as the text Behind Bars by Elaine Gould

Finale Templates:

String Quartet

String Quintet

Piano Trio

Piano Quartet

Piano Quintet

Proofreading checklist 1

Proofreading checklist 2

Proofreading checklist 3